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Brice Dental Blog

Reasons NOT to Be Worried About Fluoride Water

September 2, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — bricedental @ 10:42 pm
Close up of someone filling their glass with tap water

Have you heard that fluoride is in drinking water? It’s true, but this is far from a nightmarish sci-fi movie scenario. In fact, the American Dental Association (ADA) supports water fluoridation, as studies have shown it it’s beneficial for your teeth. As a preventative dental care measure, it’s quite effective! To learn more about why fluoride water is not a cause for concern, just keep reading.


Why Dental Insurance Can Be Worth Paying For

August 28, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — bricedental @ 1:13 pm
Dentist holding up tablet with the words “dental insurance”

When you have dental insurance, you need to pay a monthly premium in exchange for coverage. You may find yourself wondering if the cost is worth it; in many cases, the answer is yes, particularly if you’re proactive about taking advantage of your benefits. Below is a closer look at the advantages of dental insurance that can make paying for it worthwhile.  


Can I Really Whiten My Teeth with Turmeric?

July 18, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — bricedental @ 3:18 pm
A bowl of turmeric and turmeric roots.

Do it yourself or “DIY” projects can be a lot of fun. Whether you’re replacing a few floor tiles, planting your own vegetable garden, or trying to whiten your teeth at home, there’s a certain satisfaction in accomplishing your goals on your own. But when it comes to your oral health, there are certain things that are best left to the professionals. Here’s D-I-why you should avoid home remedies when whitening your teeth!


Dental Insurance VS Dental Discount Plans

June 14, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — bricedental @ 11:17 pm

Two people reading an insurance policyYour oral and overall health are connected, which means healthy teeth and gums are essential for your wellness. Brushing and flossing aren’t enough to keep your mouth healthy. The American Dental Association recommends a dental cleaning and checkup every 6 months. However, more than 36% of Americans don’t see a dentist regularly. 92% of Americans would consider delaying dental care because of cost concerns. Thankfully, you have many options to keep dental care affordable, like dental insurance and in-house membership plans. Here’s how to choose the best option for you.


Summer Vacation Vexations: Dealing with Dental Emergencies on the Go

Filed under: Uncategorized — bricedental @ 5:13 pm
Patient free from dental emergencies with family picnicking in a van

Summer vacation is the perfect time to relax while enjoying new places and the food they have to offer. However, a dental emergency can quickly turn fun into frustration! Knowing how to handle unexpected dental emergencies while traveling can save your trip and keep you smiling. Here’s your guide to managing dental issues during your summer getaway.


Is Your Student Graduating? Cosmetic Dental Treatments Make Great Gifts!

May 13, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — bricedental @ 8:33 pm
Dentist fits patient for veneers

If you have a loved one who is graduating from high school or college, you may be looking for a suitable gift for them to celebrate the occasion. Entering the real world is a big step, and since a beautiful smile can be an amazing asset in both the professional world and the social scene, why not consider the gift of cosmetic dentistry? Here are a few cosmetic dental treatments that make great graduation presents.


Break Out the Burgundy and White – It’s Oral Cancer Awareness Month!

April 2, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — bricedental @ 8:38 pm

If you’ve seen the burgundy and white ribbons while going about your day, you’re probably wondering what they mean. These are the cancer ribbons for oral cancer. April is Oral Cancer Awareness Month, so it’s no surprise to see them out and about this time of year.

Wondering how you can participate? You’re already off to a good start! There are some easy actionable things you can do to honor April, such as getting an oral cancer screening. Keep reading to increase your oral cancer awareness and find out what you can do to keep it out of your mouth.


Decision Time: Dentist or ER for Your Dental Emergency?

March 15, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — bricedental @ 9:47 pm
Patient at the dentist with a dental emergency

If you’ve ever experienced the throbbing, sharp pain of a toothache, you know that it can be very distressing. In fact, many times, the pain can make it hard to make good decisions! This is why having a plan in place and knowing where to go is important for finding relief. But should you go to the emergency room at a hospital, or call your dentist? Well, it depends! Continue reading to learn when you might need the services of one place or the other in case of a dental emergency.


Out of Sight, Not Out of Mind: 3 Reasons to Replace an Unseen Missing Tooth

February 16, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — bricedental @ 4:04 pm
man showing his missing tooth toward the back of his mouth

Standing in front of the mirror, you can convince yourself no one can see your missing tooth. It’s way in the back, so no one should notice it, right? Even if you feel you can hide it well, it’s important to replace a lost tooth that’s out of sight. Check out these three reasons to consider replacing it as soon as possible.


Is the Keto Diet Friend or Foe to My Dental Health?

January 26, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — bricedental @ 12:05 am
Lady shows off pretty smile

When many people look into their dieting options, they are more concerned about their overall well-being than their dental health. The Keto diet has captured the attention of many health nuts because it claims to help people lose weight quickly, but how does it affect people’s teeth? Here’s what your dentist would like you to know about the Keto diet, including a few of its benefits as well as a few ways to manage the associated risks.

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