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Frightening Dental Stats You Should Know

October 29, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — bricedental @ 3:08 am

Man in dentist’s chair looking in a mirrorYou probably don’t spend much time thinking about your teeth, but they are important for more than a stunning smile. Your dental health affects your quality of life and overall wellness. If you don’t brush before bed or skip flossing your teeth, here are 5 alarming dental stats you should know.


The Traits of a Beautiful Smile

October 3, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — bricedental @ 8:01 pm

Smiling woman resting her chin on her handYou can’t put a price on the benefits of an attractive smile. Unfortunately, most people don’t have perfect teeth naturally. Cosmetic dentistry can create picture-perfect smiles. There’s no one-size-fits-all solution because every mouth and situation is unique. Your cosmetic dentist will evaluate your smile and facial structures to create a treatment plan. Here are 6 traits they will consider.


How Can I Close the Gap Between My Two Front Teeth?

September 12, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — bricedental @ 2:14 pm
Woman in white t-shirt in front of white background holding magnifying glass up to her diastema

A perfectly straight and even smile has become part of a beauty standard today that we see everywhere, from movie stars to social media influencers. If you’re like many others who have a space between their front teeth, also known as a diastema, this could leave you feeling self-conscious or unworthy. Thankfully, cosmetic dentistry can help! Keep reading to learn 3 ways your dentist can boost your confidence by addressing that pesky gap.


Unveiling the Connection Between Children’s Oral Health & Academic Success

August 1, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — bricedental @ 8:21 pm
a child writing in a notebook

Recent studies have established a complex connection between children’s academic success, like the number of school days they’ve missed and their grades, to their oral health. As a parent, you want what’s best for your child, and what if that means doing something as simple as taking them in for their checkup and cleaning before school starts? Read on to learn about the connection between academic performance and children’s oral health.


Why Summer Is the Best Time to Start Invisalign!

July 13, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — bricedental @ 5:14 pm
Woman smiling while backpacking through countryside

Has your confidence been negatively impacted because your teeth are crooked or spaced out? Do you ever look at your smile in a photo or in the mirror and wish it was straighter? If you answered “yes,” then there’s no time like the present to talk to your dentist about clear aligners! After all, summer is one of the best times to start Invisalign. Keep reading to learn why.


3 Ways Cosmetic Dentistry Can Get Back Your Youthful Glow

July 6, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — bricedental @ 2:59 pm
Older couple smiling and laughing outdoors

Aging is a natural part of life, but that doesn’t mean there aren’t ways around losing the luster of your pearly whites. Some people may see wrinkles as the most obvious sign of aging, but the appearance of your smile is critical to making an impression. Visual indicators of an aging smile are the shape of your teeth, which can be worn down from years of chewing food and grinding teeth, and yellowing from eroded enamel. Here are three ways cosmetic dentistry can get back your youthful glow.


5 Tips to Maintain Your Healthy Summer Smile

June 9, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — bricedental @ 1:36 pm

Summer vacation is the perfect time to enjoy much-deserved time off, but prioritizing your oral health keeps the good times coming. It can be easy to neglect proper dental care when you’re busy traveling, but a little self-discipline goes a long way! With this in mind, here are five tips for a healthy summer smile!


Don’t Forget to Visit Your Dentist Before Kicking Off Summer!

May 4, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — bricedental @ 6:23 pm
a patient showing off their smile during the summer

Summer is now in full swing, and with it, warmer weather, poolside fun, family vacations, and all kinds of other enjoyable plans and events. But no matter what’s on your and your family’s summer itineraries, have you remembered to schedule a preventive dental checkup before kicking things off? Even though this might not sound like the most exciting way to beckon in the season, there are no doubts about these visits being incredibly beneficial. Here’s more from your trusted dentist about why you should start your summer off with a dental visit.


Use Your Tax Refund to Invest in Your Smile!

April 12, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — bricedental @ 7:09 am
a woman who used her tax refund to invest in a beautiful smile

April brings blooming flowers and much-needed spring showers. You can also expect some extra money to pour in since it’s Tax Day on the 18th.  As you consider what to spend your tax refund on, you should consider the difference it can make for your smile! There are many dental services that are a worthy investment in your oral health. Read on to learn how using your tax refund for your dental health is a wise investment.


Protect Your Smile: What to Know About Oral Cancer

April 2, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — bricedental @ 7:18 am
a dentist holding an oral cancer awareness month

Preventive dental care is essential in keeping your smile not only beautiful but healthy too! Your dentist will give your teeth a thorough cleaning and polish, ensuring that any buildup of plaque and tartar is washed away. They will also give you a complete examination to check for any oral health issues before they become more serious. One of the things your dentist will check for is oral cancer. By detecting this disease early, you can treat it before it worsens or spreads. Read on to learn about the risk factors and symptoms of oral cancer.

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